Monday, 30 December 2013

List of Sighting


List based on IOC latest some splits may not be universally recognised.

Southern Cassowary

Key to list
Bold = Lifers - new species for me
Blue = Species seen before
Yellow= Heard only or not seen well enough to confirm ID

3 up close encounters with Missy at Cassowary House were unforgettable
2 Emu
First seen (3) at our campsite at Hattah-Kulkyne NP; several others along the road next morning in the Grampians  but not encountered elsewhere
3 Australian Brushturkey Common in Queensland down to Sydney especially around campsites and picnic areas.
4 Malleefowl Lucky to find one along the Old Caulder Highway travelling towards Hattah-Kulkyne which saved searching for one the next day; Nest mound seen at Wyperfield NP
5 Orange-footed Scrubfowl Easily seen at Centenary Gardens Cairns and at Cassowary House

Ducks, Swans and Geese
6 Magpie Goose Common on most wetlands around Cairns
7 Plumed Whistling Duck 1000's at Hasties Swamp; also 100+ at Evans Rd swamp nr Mareeba and a few encountered on other spots around Cairns
8 Wandering Whistling Duck A few found with the Plumed at Hasties and seen at Cattana Wetlands
9 Black Swan Common throughout
10 Freckled Duck 3+ at Lake Lithgrow 4/10 ; 2 Hasties Swamp 18/10 ; 2 Little Llangothlin NP 25/10
11 Radjah Shelduck Only seen at Centenary Gardens Cairns
12 Australian Shelduck 2 at Bells Swamp first morning few seen elsewhere around Victoria
13 Pink-eared Duck Few at Round Lake 2/10 then 1000's at Lake Lithgrow 4/10; In Queensland lots at Hasties Swamp and few at other suitable spots
14 Maned Duck Very common in Vic and on Tasmania 
15 Green Pygmy Goose Seen at Lake Mitchell and at Cattana Wetlands
16 Mallard (i) 1 at Tamar Wetlands Tasmania 
17 Pacific Black Duck Very common throughout
18 Australasian Shoveler Few seen around Victoria
19 Grey Teal Fairly common throughout
20 Chestnut Teal First seen near Anglesea along the Great Ocean Rd then at Werribe e and Melbourne Botanic Gardens; Common on Tas.
21 Hardhead Fairy common throughout
22 Blue-billed Duck female at Werribee then 6+ (3 m) at Little Llangothlin
23 Musk Duck 50+ at Round Lake; 2 distant birds at Little Llangothlin
24 Little Penguin several birds at the Rookery at the Neck Bruny Island

Albatross, Shearwaters & Petrels
25 Wandering Albatross 2 of these magnificent birds on the pelagic out of Wollongong
26 Antipodean ( Gibson's) Albatross 1 on pelagic ( caught and ringed)
27 Black-browed Albatross several on the Wollongong pelagic
28 Cambell's Albatross 1 seen well on Wollongong pelagic
29 Shy/White capped Albatross several seen from coasts along Great Ocean Rd and Bruny Island Tas ; continuously seen on pelagic with 12+ birds in view at any time
30 Buller's Albatross 1 seen well on Wollongong pelagic
31 Northern Giant Petrel 2 seen well on pelagic; distant bird seen from Adventure Bay feeding with Shearwaters could not be assigned to species
32 Fairy Prion 1 seen briefly on pelagic
33 Great-winged Petrel 1 came close in on pelagic
34 Wedge-tailed Shearwater several with Short-tails on pelagic
35 Short-tailed Shearwater few seen from coast along Ocean Rd ; huge feeding flocks off Adventure Bay Tasmania and a few seen onshore on the night visit to the Rookery
Hundreds continuously around boat on pelagic making it very difficult to sort out various shearwaters ( food shortage this year means hundreds of starving birds have been seen along the coasts.)
36 Fluttering Shearwater several seen on pelagic
37 Hutton's Shearwater a few ID'd on pelagic
38 Wilson's Storm Petrel 3 seen on pelagic
39 Australasian Grebe Common throughout
40 Hoary-headed Grebe Fairly common throughout sometimes in large numbers
41 Great Crested Grebe several Lake Barrie Atherton Tablelands 18/10 ; 1 Little Llangothlin
Ibis, Spoonbill & Herons
42 Australian White Ibis Common throughout
43 Straw-necked Ibis Common throughout
44 Glossy Ibis 1 at Lake Mitchell Queensland
45 Royal Spoonbill Common on most wetlands around Cairns
46 Yellow-billed Spoonbill common on suitable habitat mostly further south than Royals.
47 Nankeen Night Heron 6+ at Boort lake 2/10; 1 on Cairns Esplanade at dusk 14/10
48 Striated Heron 1 Cairns Esplanade 13/10; 1 Centenary Lake 15 and 21/10; 1 Kurunda
49 Eastern Cattle Egret Fairly common throughout sometimes in large numbers
50 White-necked Heron Fairly common throughout often in open fields not near water
51 Great-billed Heron adult and juv on Daintree River cruise
52 Great Egret Common throughout
53 Intermediate Egret A few seen could have been more but white egrets not always scrutinised closely
54 Pied Heron 1 on small pond near Port Douglas ( Thanks to Murray Hunt who showed us this bird after a dash from the river trip)
55 White-faced Heron Fairly common throughout
56 Little Egret A few scattered birds seen throughout
57 Pacific Reef Heron 1 White morph on Cairns esplanade
Red-tailed Tropicbird 2 Distant Tropicbirds near Michelmas Cay  were probably this species.
58 Australian Pelican Common throughout
59 Great Frigatebird 4 Frigatebirds seen well at Michelmas Cay were all this species other distant birds not ID'd to species.
60 Australasian Gannet A few from the coasts in Victoria and Tasmania also seen on Wollongong pelagic
61 Brown Booby Lots around Michelmas Cay
62 Little Pied Cormorant Fairly common throughout
63 Black-faced Cormorant First seen waiting for Bruny Ferry ; fairly common around Bruny coasts
64 Little Black Cormorant Common throughout
65 Australian Pied Cormorant Fairly common throughout more coastal than Little Pied
66 Great Cormorant A few scattered birds seen throughout
67 Australasian Darter A few scattered birds seen throughout
Hawks, Eagles & Falcons
68 Eastern Osprey Nesting pair at Lake Mitchell Qslnd
69 Australian Kite Common throughout especially roadside
70 Black Kite Common throughout especially Queensland where abundant roadside and over cane fields; several large groups 50+ seen and frequent early morning feeding on roadkill
71 Whistling Kite Fairly common throughout often in groups of 6+ and mixed with Black Kites on the Tablelands.
72 Brahminy Kite 1 near Port Douglas 17/10 ; 1 Cattana wetlands
73 White-bellied Sea Eagle A few scattered birds seen throughout
74 Swamp Harrier Fairly common throughout
75 Spotted Harrier 1 along road nr Ouyen 3/10 another Wyperfield same day
76 Grey Goshawk 1 Wilderness Lodge Tas over; 1 perched Lamington campsite both grey morph
77 Brown Goshawk 1 nr Castlemaine Victoria flew over ; 1 Maryfarms  flew over while watching Bustard; 1 Southern Tablelands
78 Collared Sparrowhawk 1 fem/juv  Werribee 5/10; 1 along road northern Tas
79 Wedge-tailed Eagle Fairly common throughout Victoria ; 1 at Inala on Tas; 2 at O'Rielley's
80 Little Eagle 1 seen well in mallee north of Inglewood on first day ; 1 Werribee
81 Nankeen Kestrel Common throughout especially roadside
82 Australian Hobby 1  Adventure bay seen well
83 Brown Falcon Fairly common throughout mostly roadside
84 Black Falcon 4+ seen around inland Victoria 
85 Peregrine Falcon 1 nr Mareeba perched up 
86 Australian Bustard 6+ seen Maryfarms 1 very close; 1 along road to Granite Gorge next day
Crakes & Rails
87 Red-necked Crake commonly heard at Cassowary House, pair seen 2x early morning 21/10
88 Buff-banded Rail 1 in the childrens playground Cairns Esplanade seen well
89 Baillon's Crake 1 seen Werribee
90 Australian Crake 1 seen Werribee
91 Purple Swamphen common on suitable habitat 
92 Dusky Moorhen Common on most wetlands especially Victoria and Tas
92 Black-tailed Nativehen Seen at Bells Swamp and Weribee 
93 Tasmanian Nativehen (Tas endemic) Common throughout Tasmania very tame at Wilderness Lodge
94 Eurasian Coot Common throughout
95 Sarus Crane Common on Tablelands around Atherton several large groups in fields assumed to be this species although possibly Brolga as well but mostly seen from moving vehicle.
96 Brolga Only 2 at Werribee positively ID'd but possibly some with Sarus Cranes on Tablelands,
97 Painted Buttonquail 3 birds at Capertee seen well, 2 other groups seen in the valley were probably same species;  Kay had 2 Quail sp from moving car near Lamington but could not be relocated
98 Comb-crested Jacana Seen at Lake Mitchell and at Cattana Wetlands.

99 Bush Stone-curlew 6+ Cairns Cemetry; 8 in a garden at Kuranda 16/10 probably same nearby 21/10; 1 along road nr Cairns 22/10
100 Beach Stone-curlew 2 Newell Beach; 2 Wonga Beach 1 from car nr Port Douglas all on day with Murray 
101 Pied Oystercatcher seen at Werribee 5/10; common on Bruny coasts; few on Queensland beaches
102 Sooty Oystercatcher common on rocky coasts on Bruny; 1 in Wollongong harbour 27/10
103 White-headed Stilt Common on most wetlands 
104 Red-necked Avocet groups of around 20 on several inland waters in Vic; 20+ at Werribee all fairly distant out of camera range.
105 Banded Lapwing after missing them at Werribee 3 adults with 2 chicks seen at Turf farm near Windsor NSW
106 Masked Lapwing Common throughout
107 Red-kneed Dotterel 3 Bells Swamp 1/10; few Werribee 5/10 ; few others at scattered locations ; Cattana wetlands 21/10
108 Pacific Golden Plover 6 at Werribee
109 Hooded Dotterel Pair seen well at breeding site near Anglesea on the Great Ocean Rd
110 Black-fronted Dotterel Fairly common throughout
111 Red-capped Plover first seen on saltpans nr Boort then few suitable scattered locations
112 Bar-tailed Godwit common on Cairns beaches
113 Whimbrel 1 roosting Cairns Esplanade; 1 Wonga beach
114 Eastern Curlew 2 Cairns Esplanade 14/10
115 Marsh Sandpiper several Werribee
116 Common Greenshank few Werribee; 1 Cairns Esplanade
117 Grey-tailed Tattler 10+ Cairns Esplanade; 1 Wonga beach ( Wandering was present at Cairns but not looked for)
118 Terek Sandpiper 1 Cairns Esplanade
119 Common Sandpiper 1 Saltwater creek Centenary Lakes
120 Great Knot few Cairns Esplanade
121 Red Knot small number at Werribee
122 Red-necked Stint Large numbers at Werribee and on Cairns Esplanade
123 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Seen at several inland sites both in Victoria and Queensland as well as at Werribee and Cairns.
124 Curlew Sandpiper small numders at Werribee and along the Esplanade
Gulls & Terns
125 Brown Noddy Large numbers Michelmas Cay
126 Black Noddy few picked out amongst Brown Noddies around Michelmas Cay mostly perched on bouys while approaching Cay
127 Silver Gull Common throughout
128 Pacific Gull few along Great Ocean Rd and Werribee; few Bruny Island coasts.
129 Kelp Gull Several Bruny Island coasts;few on Wollongong pelagic
130 Gull-billed Tern Small numbers Cairns
131 Caspian Tern seen along Cairns Esplanade; 1 inland at Lake Mitchell 20/10; 1 Corrimal beach Wollongong 26/10
132 Greater Crested Tern common on coasts throughout
133 Lesser Crested Tern 2 in Cairns Marina 14/10
134 Fairy Tern Several seen at Weribee including at few at close range hawking over pits
135 Bridled Tern Some mixed with Sooties at Michelmas Cay
136 Sooty Tern Huge numbers at Michelmas Cay
137 Black-naped Tern 4 perched on a raft near Michelmas Cay
138 Roseate Tern 1 perched on same raft as Black-naped
139 Whiskered Tern Large numbers at Werribee
140 Parasitic Jaeger 1 harrassing Shearwaters on Wollongong pelagic.
Pigeons & Doves
141 Rock Dove (i) few in towns
142 White-headed Pigeon few birds around O'Reilly's
143 Spotted Dove (i) Fairly common throughout mostly in towns
Laughing Dove (i) Seen around Dubai airport
144 Brown Cuckoo-Dove 1 Rainforest walk Kuranda 16/10 ; 1 O'Reilley's 24/10
145 Pacific Emerald Dove 1 briefly on road at Jullatan while watching Boat-bill
146 Common Bronzewing Seen at park in Inglewood then few seen scattered locations in Victoria
147 Brush Bronzewing First flushed from roadside in Grampians then 1 seen well near Silverband Falls; few other sightings mostly roadside while travelling
148 Crested Pigeon Common throughout
149 Squatter Pigeon 2 seen at close range in garden at Mt Molloy
150 Wonga Pigeon common at O'Reilley's; 2 at Washpools campsite 
151 Diamond Dove Flock of 20+ at Maryfarms
152 Peaceful Dove ! Seen in northern Victoria and 2 in Capertee Valley ; in Queensland very common and seen throughout
153 Bar-shouldered Dove Common in Queensland frequently heard calling and seen perched on roadside wires.
154 Wompoo Fruit Dove Heard frequently with a few sightings in rainforest around Queensland
155 Torresian Imperial Pigeon Very common around Cairns
156 Topknot Pigeon Seen well at Mount Lewis and Mt Hypippimae

157 Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Several groups of these impressive Cockatoo's seen around Tablelands mostly in flight or feeding in roadside trees.
Glossy Black Cockatoo 2 birds that few over Katoomba Falls in the Blue Mountains at dusk were most likely this species but unable to get clear view
158 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Flock of 50+ birds flying to roost near Horsham Vic were impressive sight; also several sighting in Blue Mountains.
159 Gang-gang Cockatoo A noisy group of 4 birds at Troopers Creek campsite at first light the only sighting.
160 Major Mitchell's Cockatoo 4 of these stunning birds seen at Wyperfield.
161 Galah Very common sometimes in large flocks every where
162 Long-billed Corella common in Vic often in large flocks; a few sightings in Queensland and Blue Mountains but probably overlooked as similar to Sulphurs at distance.
163 Little Corella several amongst Long-billed in northern Vic but probably overlooked as Corella flocks not scrutenised once both species seen well.
164 Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Common throughout often in large flocks.
165 Cockatiel 2 Goschen NP ; 1 from moving vehicle nr Glenn Innes
166 Rainbow Lorikeet Common throughout especially Cairns
167 Scaly-breasted Lorikeet 2 in fruiting tree outside hotel window in Cairns; 1 nr Mareeba
168 Musk Lorikeet Common throughout
169 Little Lorikeet 6+ west cap picnic area south of Brisbane ; 10 + at Glen Davis campsite.
170 Purple-crowned Lorikeet Several feeding in flowering trees with Musk's at Boort
171 Australian Ringneck 2 Goschen NP then 2 Hattah-Kulkyne and a few roadside sightings
172 Green Rosella  (Tas endemic)Fairly common on Tas seen at Mountain Wilderness and Inala
173 Crimson Rosella Common throughout especially tame at O'Reilley's
174 Pale-headed Rosella 1 seen well at Mt Carbine; 2 nr Mareeba
175 Eastern Rosella Fairly common throughout Vic and NSW but not as tame as other Rosella's; 1 Yellow form near Murray River
176 Bluebonnet 2 Goshen few scattered sightings in same area.
177 Red-rumped Parrot Common in Victoria then again in Capertee Valley.
178 Mulga Parrot 2 Moss Tank NP then 2 in mallee nr Hattah-kulkyne
179 Turquoise Parrot 1 Glen Davis Campsite.
180 Budgerigar Breeding pair at Wyperfield
181 Regent Parrot Several seen along the Murray river then  next day at campsite in Hattah
182 Australian King Parrot First encountered at Lorne along Great Ocean Rd then very tame at O'Reilley's and common through NSW
183 Red-winged Parrot 8+ seen briefly at Maryfarms mostly in flight only 
184 Double-eyed Fig Parrot 1 bird at Cassowary House from verandah just after arriving only sighting heard elsewhere but not searched for.
185 Pheasant Coucal common on Tableland mostly seen on edge of cane fields.
186 Pacific Koel 1 perched in Centenary gardens Cairns
187 Channel-billed Cuckoo 1 calling then flew over at Maryfarms; heard but not seen in Blue Mountains
188 Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo Heard calling frequently but only seen at Glen Davis
189 Black-eared Cuckoo Seen well at Wyperfield
190 Shining Bronze Cuckoo Seen well at Woodlands Park Melbourne 
Heard only Little Bronze Cuckoo Heard only on a few occassions 
191 Pallid Cuckoo Seen very well in Tas a few times
192 Fan-tailed Cuckoo Seen well on several occaissions on Tas and Blue Mountains
Heard only Brush Cuckoo Heard only on a few occassions 
Owls, Nightjars & Frogmouths 
Heard only Southern Boobook Heard only at night while camping in the Grampians
193 Papuan Frogmouth Nesting bird seen on the Daintree river trip
194 Tawny Frogmouth Several sightings 2 at Boort; 1 while spotlighting at Hattah; I on night drive on Tas; 2 at Mt Carbine caravan park
195 Spotted Nightjar 1 while spotlighting at Hattah
Heard only Australian Owlet-nightjar Heard only nr Hattah in daylight but not located.
196 Australian Swiftlet common over Cairns

Kingfishers, Bee-eaters & Rollers
197 Oriental Dollarbird 2 seen at Mareeba Wetlands then few scattered further sightings around the Tablelands; also 1 at Capertee Valley and 2 at Washpools campsite
198 Laughing Kookaburra Common throughout regular sightings on roadside wires.
199 Blue-winged Kookaburra
1 near Mareeba seen well; nesting pair in Mt Carbine caravan park;  few others mostly seen on wires while travelling around the Julatten area.
200 Forest Kingfisher Mostly seen on wires around Cairns/ Daintree areas
201 Collared Kingfisher 1 in mangroves at northern end of Cairns Esplanade
202 Sacred Kingfisher 1 seen on the Murray river only Vic sighting; around Cairns fairly common on roadside wires and near water ie Hasties Swamp, centenary Lakes; also Glen Davis campsite and Capertee 
203 Azure Kingfisher 1 seen very well on Daintree River trip
204 Little Kingfisher 1 seen very well on Daintree River trip ; 1 Centenary Gardens.
205 Rainbow Bee-eater Seen well at Goschen then scattered sightings throughout.
206 Noisy Pitta 1 seen after much effort at Mt Lewis; 2 seen and many heard at O'Reilley's
Lyrebirds, Catbirds & Bowerbirds
207 Albert's Lyrebird 2 outside O'Reilley's seen very well another along the road in later in day.
208 Superb Lyrebird 14 at Minnimurra Rainforest walk ; 1 Fitzroy Falls; 1 Wentworth Falls.
209 Spotted Catbird Common sound in any Wet Tropic rainforest seen at feeders at Cassowary and in Kurunda rainforest walk
210 Green Catbird  common sound around O'Reilley's seen occaissionally.
211 Tooth-billed Bowerbird Seen well at Mt Lewis and at Mt Hypippimae
212 Golden Bowerbird female at Mt Lewis male at bower at Mt Hypippamae.
213 Regent Bowerbird Common and tame at O'Reilley's
214 Satin Bowerbird Several at Wye Valley campsite in Vic; common around O'Reilley's and in Capertee Valley also other sightings in NSW.
215 Great Bowerbird Seen well around Mt Carbine area.
216 White-throated Treecreeper 1 at Silverbands Falls in Vic; seen at Washpools campsite and a few in the Blue Mountains
217 White-browed Treecreeper 1 seen well at Wyperfield
218 Brown Treecreeper Common throughout

Fairy-wrens, Scrubwrens, Warblers & Thornbills
219 Superb Fairywren Common in Victoria and Tasmania then seen again at O'Reilley's and throughout NSW
220 Variegated Fairy-wren 3 including 1 male seen briefly in Sundown NP on road to camp site.
221 Splendid Fairywren 1 male seen well at Moss Tank nr Hattah-Kulkyne NP
222 Red-backed Fairywren 3 female types nr Julatten only sighting 
223 White-winged Fairywren again only females seen at Lake Tuchewop
224 Southern Emu-wren 1 seen after great effort at Anglesea then another found along road further into the heath.
225 Scrubtit 2 sightings of this difficult Tas endemic 1 at Mountain Wilderness and 1 at Inala
226 Chestnut-rumped Heathwren 1 seen well in Grampians
227 Shy Heathwren 1 lived up to it's name before eventually showing well in mallee north of Inglewood first day.
228 Striated Fieldwren seen at Anglesea Heath while looking for Emu-wren then several at Werribee.
229 Speckled Warbler 1 in the Capertee Valley
230 Fernwren Seen well at Mt Lewis and again at Mt Hypippamae  (one of the Wet Tropic Endemics )
231 Atherton Scrubwren Seen well at Mt Lewis (one of the Wet Tropic Endemics )
232 White-browed Scrubwren Common throughout
233 Tasmanian Scrubwren  (Tas endemic) Responded spectacularly to a random tape at Mountain Wilderness.
234 Yellow-throated Scrubwren Common throughout
235 Large-billed Scrubwren Seen at Cassowary House and a few other highland rainforest sites
236 Weebill First seen in park in Inglewood then few other sightings throughout heard more often and probably overlooked in with other Thornbills 
237 Brown Gerygone Pair including displaying male at nest at Lamington first positive sighting but a few present around tracks at O'Reilley's
238 Western Gerygone 1 singing male in Mallee north of Inglewood only sighting.
239 Large-billed Gerygone Nesting birds seen on Daintree River Trip
240 Mangrove Gerygone  Seen at Centenary lakes  ID confirmed by local birder
241 White-throated Gerygone Singing and displaying bird seen in Capertee Valley
242 Fairy Gerygone 2 birds in mixed flock at Barron Falls Lookout
243 Mountain Thornbill Several birds seen at Mt Lewis
244 Brown Thornbill Common throughout
245 Inland Thornbill Seen at Wyperfield
246 Tasmanian Thornbill
( Tas endemic) Seen at Mountain Wilderness and Inala on Tas ( fairly easy once differences to also present Brown Thornbills was learnt)
247 Chestnut-rumped Thornbill 2 birds seen well near an old goldmine north of Inglewood
248 Buff-rumped Thornbill showed well in mixed flock along back roads north of Castlemaine on first day
249 Yellow-rumped Thornbill First seen at Wyperfield, then several sightings on Tasmania including nest building at Inala, also Capertee Valley.
250 Yellow Thornbill first seen at Woodlands Park then few scattered sightings elsewhere in Vic.
251 Striated Thornbill Seen well along track north of Castlemaine in mixed flock
252 Southern Whiteface Seen at Mt Korong and at a random stop along the Old Caulder Rd near Ouyen.
253 Rufous Bristlebird 1 near Lorne then another very confiding bird up close at Anglesea Heath
252 Spotted Pardalote One of the first birds to be seen in Woodlands Park then scattered sightings throughout 
255 Forty-spotted Pardalote 3-4 pairs seen easily at Inala ( Tas endemic)
256 Striated Pardalote One of the first birds to be seen in Woodlands Park then scattered sightings throughout also common on Tas

257 Macleay's Honeyeater Common around Cassowary House also Mt Lewis
258 Bridled Honeyeater several seen Mt Lewis
259 Yellow-faced Honeyeater First seen at Reid's Lookout in the Grampians then scattered sightings throughout inc Mt Carbine and around Blue Mountains
260 Singing Honeyeater seen several times around Victoria.
261 Varied Honeyeater few in flowering trees along Cairns Esplanade
262 Yellow Honeyeater common around coastal Cairns
263 White-eared Honeyeater seen well in flowering Gums at Inglewood Park 
264 Yellow-throated Honeyeater Common on Tas, seen at Mountain wilderness and Inala ( Tas endemic)
265 Yellow-tufted Honeyeater fairly common in Vic then seen again in Capertee Valley
266 Yellow-plumed Honeyeater seen well in flowering Gums at Inglewood Park 
267 Fuscous Honeyeater fairly common in Vic 
268 White-plumed Honeyeater fairly common in Vic then seen again in Capertee Valley
269 White-fronted Honeyeater seen well in flowering Gums at Inglewood Park 
270 Graceful Honeyeater few seen at Cassowary House
Yellow-spotted Honeyeater

Seen at Cassowary House and a few other sites around Cairns.
272 Lewin's Honeyeater First at Mt Lewis and southern Tablelands; common O'Reilley's and through to Blue Mountains
273 Bell Miner Colonies at Melbourne Botanic Gardens and west gap PS
274 Noisy Miner Common throughout
275 Yellow-throated Miner fairly common in Vic  in Mallee country
276 Blue-faced Honeyeater First seen at Boort ; scattered sighting elsewhere( Mt Carbine )
277 Black-chinned Honeyeater Seen first day on back road to Inglewood
278 Strong-billed Honeyeater Common Tas (Tas endemic)
279 Brown-headed Honeyeater Seen well in flowering Gums at Inglewood Park
280 White-throated Honeyeater several at feeders nr Julatten
281 White-naped Honeyeater 2 Silverbands Falls in Grampians; 3 Capertee Valley
282 Black-headed Honeyeater Common at Inala Bruny Island (Tas endemic)
283 Little Friarbird 3-4 at Mt Carbine caravan park
284 Helmeted Friarbird fairly common around Cairns
285 Noisy Friarbird Common throughout Queensland and south to Blue Mountains; flowering trees in Capertee attracted 20+ birds
286 Striped Honey-eater One seen well at Moss Tank 
287 Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Scattered sightings throughout Vic and NSW
288 Little Wattlebird First seen Wye Valley and Melbounre Bot Grdns also on Tas; probably overlooked agmongst Reds
289 Red Wattlebird Common Vic and NSW
290 Yellow Wattlebird fairly common on Tas (Tas endemic)
291 Regent Honeyeater 3 birds in Capertee valley highlight of day there; not expecting to be able to find these without guide.
292 Brown Honeyeater 2-3 seen well in trees along Cairns Esplanade.
293 Painted Honeyeater 2 Mt Korong
294 Crescent Honeyeater 1 Reid's Lookout in the Grampians; 1 at Inala Bruny Island
295 New Holland Honeyeater Common Vic and NSW
296 White-cheeked Honeyeater several at feeders nr Julatten
297 Tawny-crowned Honeyeater 1 responded to tape in the Grampians
298 Brown-backed Honeyeater Pair seen on Daintree River trip and 2-3 at feeders in Julatten
299 Eastern Spinebill fairly common throughout particularly around Blue Mountains
Heard only Black Honey-eater Heard only at Goschen
300 Dusky Myzomela fairly common around Cairns
301 Scarlet Myzomela 1 seen well at in garden at Julatten
302 Crimson Chat 2 seen unexpectedly at Wyperfield
303 Orange Chat 4+ birds seen at Lake Tuchewop
304 White-fronted Chat fairly common in Vic 
305 Grey-crowned Babbler Seen in Queensland at Lake Mitchell then at Rodeo grounds Mareeba and again in Capertee Valley.
306 White-browed Babbler Few sightings in Vic
307 Chestnut-crowned Babbler small group seen at Moss Tank 
308 Australian Logrunner common at O'Reilley's
309 Chowchilla Seen well at Mt Lewis and at Malanda Falls (one of the Wet Tropic Endemics )
310 Eastern Whipbird Common throughout Queensland and south to Blue Mountains; It's distinctive call was a feature thoughout
311 Yellow-breasted Boatbill 1 seen well at Jullaten
Magpies & Butcherbirds
312 Black Butcherbird few seen around Cairns area
313 Grey Butcherbird Scattered sightings throughout especially Tasmania
314 Pied Butcherbird First seen well at Hattah after several roadside sightings also several sightings in Capertee valley.
315 Australian Magpie Common throughout mostly nominate Black-backed form but a few White-backed in N Victoria.
316 Pied Currawong Common throughout
317 Black Currawong Fairly common throughout Tasmania especially in northern mountains (Tas endemic)
318 Grey Currawong Few sightings in Victoria and on Tas ( possibly overlooked as many seen roadside and not defined to species)

319 White-breasted Woodswallow Common throughout especially Cairns were seen in town centres.
320 Masked Woodswallow Large mixed flock of Masked/White-broweds seen near Goschen
321 White-browed Woodswallow As well as Goschen area also seen Wyperfild, on Tas at Inala and in Capertee Valley.
322 Dusky Woodswallow First seen nr Castlemaine first day then scattered sightings including on Tas.
Cuckoo-shrikes & Whistlers
323 Black-faced Cuckooshrike Fairly common throughout
324 Barred Cuckooshrike 1 seen well at Mt Lewis
325 White-bellied Cuckooshrike First seen nr Castlemaine first morning  then at Cairns Esplanade on a few occaisions
326 White-winged Triller Fairly common throughout
327 Varied Triller Seen at Cairns in the cemetry, Centenary Gardens and Cattana Wetlands
328 Crested Shriketit 1 first morning along track from Castlemaine then again in Capertee Valley
329 Olive Whistler Common Tas frequently heard.
330 Gilbert's Whistler Pair at Mt Korong only sighting
331 Grey Whistler Seen well at Mt Hypippamae and Cassowary House.
332 Australian Golden Whistler Common throughout including Tas, commonly heard
333 Rufous Whistler Fairly common throughout
334 Bower's Shrikethrush Seen well at Mt Lewis (one of the Wet Tropic Endemics ) and at Curtain Fig
335 Rufous Shrike-Thrush 1 seen well along the river at Kuranda then few sightings elsewhere in Queensland
336 Grey Shrikethrush Common throughout
Heard only Crested Bellbird Heard only in distance near Hattah.
337 Australasian Figbird Very common around Cairns / Kuranda often in large numbers.
338 Olive-backed Oriole 1 at Washpools camp site only sighting.
339 Green Oriole Heard around Cairns but only sighting on Daintree river.

Flycatchers & Fantails
340 Spangled Drongo common around coastal Cairns flock of over 30 at Newell Beach
341 Willie Wagtail Common throughout
342 Grey Fantail Common throughout ( mountain race at Mt Lewis)
343 Rufous Fantail first seen at Cassowary House then common at O'Reilley's
344 Spectacled Monarch fairly common in rainforest around Cairns
345 Black-faced Monarch First seen Mt Lewis then common at O'Reilley's.
346 Pied Monarch Seen at Carr Rd Julatten, Mt Lewis and nesting at Curtain Fig.
347 Magpie-lark very common throughout.
348 Leaden Flycatcher 1 female on Daintree river trip
349 Shining Flycatcher nesting birds on the Daintree River Trip
350 Restless Flycatcher remarkably a bird thought to be this species alighted briefly on the Seastar while out on the reef otherwise pair in Capertee Valley only sighting.
351 Torresian Crow common around Tablelands
352 Forest Raven Few sightings in Vic then common on Tas
353 Little Raven Common throughout Victoria
354 Australian Raven Common throughout: its distinctive call commonly heard; many corvids seen while travelling through NSW were not defined to species most were  Aus Ravens but a few Littles were seen.
355 White-winged Chough fairly common in Vic then seen again in Capertee Valley
356 Apostlebird First seen at Hattah-kulkyne campsite; then Glenlyon campsite and road out through Sundown NP and in Capertee at Glen Davis.
357 Victoria's Riflebird Displaying bird with female and immature male seen daily at Cassowary House, also seen in Kuranda Rainforest walk and Mt Lewis.
358 Mangrove Robin pair in mangroves north of Esplanade at Cairns.
359 Grey-headed Robin Seen at Mt Lewis and again at Curtain Fig
360 Pale-yellow Robin 1 Kuranda Rainforest walk then Carr rd Jutallan
361 Eastern Yellow Robin Common throughout
362 Hooded Robin stunning male in Mallee north of Inglewood only sighting 
363 Dusky Robin Fairly common on Tas seen at Mountain Wilderness and Inala
364 Jacky Winter several scattered sightings around Vic and again in Capertee Valley.
365 Rose Robin 1 on the tree-top walk O'Reilley's then 2 males squabbling over a female near the campsite at Lamington.
366 Pink Robin male seen early 2 mornings at Inala.
367 Flame Robin Common Tas both at Wilderness lodge and Inala.
368 Scarlet Robin Common Tas both at Wilderness lodge and Inala.
369 Red-capped Robin Pair feeding youngster at Wyperfield and another male nearby.
370 Horsfield's Bush Lark Seen well at Werribee others seen briefly or on roadside wires while travelling
Eurasian Skylark (i) seen at Werribee and on Tas
372 Welcome Swallow Common throughout
373 Fairy Martin Common throughout anywhere near water
374 Tree Martin Common throughout
375 Australian Reed Warbler seen and heard briefly at Werribee, seen very well at Lake Lithgrow
376 Rufous Songlark seen well at Bell's Swamp then few scattered sightings ; some birds sat on roadside wires were probably this species.
377 Brown Songlark like Rufous a few seen well but many roadside birds probably these.
378 Tawny Grassbird 1 seen well sat on wire on road out of Sundown NP
379 Little Grassbird Seen at Werribee and again at the Tamar Wetlands Tas
380 Golden-headed Cisticola seen well at Werribee also in Capertee Valley
381 Silvereye Fairly common throughout
382 Australasian Pipit few scattered sightings throughout
383 Metallic Starling Colonies along Cairns Espanade and also at Mareeba.
384 Common Myna (i) Common throughout
385 Common Starling (i) Common throughout
386 Russet-tailed Thrush 1 was seen well and watched for a while at O'Reilley's other Thrushes seen briefly were possibly this species although most were Bassian.
387 Bassian Thrush Seen well on Tas at Wilderness Lodge and Inala; others seen well at O'Reilley's but several seen breifly not detetermined.
388 Common Blackbird (i) Common throughout esp Tas
Flowerpeckers & Sunbirds
389 Mistletoebird few scattered sightings throughout
390 Olive-backed Sunbird fairly common around Cairns
391 House Sparrow (i) Common throughout
392 Beautiful Firetail 1 seen at Wilderness Lodge and 1 along roadside north Bruny.
393 Diamond Firetail several of these stunning finches in Capertee Valley
394 Red-browed Finch Fairly common throughout
395 Crimson Finch 10+ at Cattana Wetlands only sighting
396 Zebra Finch Seen at Werribee then common in the Capertee Valley.
397 Double-barred Finch 6+ at Rodeo Campground Mareeba then 20 + along road to Granite Gorge
398 Scaly-breasted Munia (i) seen along Cairns Esplanade
399 Chestnut-breasted Mannikin 2 birds at feeder near Jullaten and a few in a large mixed finch flock at Mareeba Wetlands; also with finches in Capertee Valley.
400 European Greenfinch (i) few scattered sightings throughout
401 European Goldfinch (i) few scattered sightings throughout

Short-beaked Echidna 1 on track to Glen Davis in Capertee Valley
Platypus 1 briefly on Tas at Mountain Wilderness; 3+ at Taklin Falls; 1 Jenalem Caves
Tasmanian Devil At least 5 indviduals coming to food at Mountain Wilderness including 2 showing signs of facial tumours
Eastern Quoll 3+ seen on Tasmania on night drive
Koala 3+ while spotlighting in Otways
Wombat No live specimens seen but lots of fresh marks and burrows ( many roadkill victims)
Mountain Brushtail Possum 1 at campsite near O'Reilley's
Common Brushtail Possum Seen while spotlighting in Victoria and on Tasmania
Sugar Glider No live specimens seen but  roadside corpse seen
Yellow-bellied Glider 1 while spotlighting in Otways
Common Ringtail Possum at least 1 at Inala and on night drive.
Long-nosed Poteroo ! on night drive on Tasmania
Musky Rat-Kangaroo several at Cassowary House coming to food
Agile Wallaby several in Queensland
Eastern Grey Kangaroo Common
Western Grey Kangaroo Some seen in Victoria
Common Wallaroo Only positively seen in Capertee Valley
Red-necked Wallaby Few at Lamington
Bennett's Wallaby Tasmanian form of Red-necked Wallaby also 3 white morphs at Inala
Black Wallaby Few scattered sightings
Rufous-bellied Pademelon common Tasmania
Red-legged Pademelon Few seen in Queensland 
Red-necked Pademelon A few at Lamington NP
Spectacled Flying-fox Hundreds along Cairns Esplanade said to be this species
Little Red Flying-fox A few seen with larger flying foxes along the Esplanade
Grey-headed Flying-fox Large numbers visiting flowering trees at night at Glenlyon campsite thougt to be this species
Fawn-footed Melomys 2+ seen after dusk at Cassowary House
Hastings River Mouse 3 sightings of this restricted species at West Gap Picnic Site
Red Fox seen 2x during trip once Victoria; 1 Capertee Valley
European Rabbit Common
European Hare Few seen but not accurately recorded.
Fallow Deer 2 on way in to Washpools Campsite 
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin pod said to be this species seen on Wollongong pelagic
Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin 3/4 of possibly this species on return from Michelmas Cay

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