1 |
List based on IOC latest some splits may not be universally recognised. Southern Cassowary |
Key to list Bold = Lifers - new species for me Blue = Species seen before Yellow= Heard only or not seen well enough to confirm ID 3 up close encounters with Missy at Cassowary House were unforgettable |
2 | Emu | First seen (3) at our campsite at Hattah-Kulkyne NP; several others along the road next morning in the Grampians but not encountered elsewhere |
3 | Australian Brushturkey | Common in Queensland down to Sydney especially around campsites and picnic areas. | |
4 | Malleefowl | Lucky to find one along the Old Caulder Highway travelling towards Hattah-Kulkyne which saved searching for one the next day; Nest mound seen at Wyperfield NP | |
5 | Orange-footed Scrubfowl | Easily seen at Centenary Gardens Cairns and at Cassowary House | |
Ducks, Swans and Geese |
6 | Magpie Goose | Common on most wetlands around Cairns | |
7 | Plumed Whistling Duck | 1000's at Hasties Swamp; also 100+ at Evans Rd swamp nr Mareeba and a few encountered on other spots around Cairns | |
8 | Wandering Whistling Duck | A few found with the Plumed at Hasties and seen at Cattana Wetlands | |
9 | Black Swan | Common throughout | |
10 | Freckled Duck | 3+ at Lake Lithgrow 4/10 ; 2 Hasties Swamp 18/10 ; 2 Little Llangothlin NP 25/10 | |
11 | Radjah Shelduck | Only seen at Centenary Gardens Cairns | |
12 | Australian Shelduck | 2 at Bells Swamp first morning few seen elsewhere around Victoria | |
13 | Pink-eared Duck | Few at Round Lake 2/10 then 1000's at Lake Lithgrow 4/10; In Queensland lots at Hasties Swamp and few at other suitable spots | |
14 | Maned Duck | Very common in Vic and on Tasmania | |
15 | Green Pygmy Goose | Seen at Lake Mitchell and at Cattana Wetlands | |
16 | Mallard (i) | 1 at Tamar Wetlands Tasmania | |
17 | Pacific Black Duck | Very common throughout | |
18 | Australasian Shoveler | Few seen around Victoria | |
19 | Grey Teal | Fairly common throughout | |
20 | Chestnut Teal | First seen near Anglesea along the Great Ocean Rd then at Werribe e and Melbourne Botanic Gardens; Common on Tas. | |
21 | Hardhead | Fairy common throughout | |
22 | Blue-billed Duck | female at Werribee then 6+ (3 m) at Little Llangothlin | |
23 | Musk Duck | 50+ at Round Lake; 2 distant birds at Little Llangothlin | |
Penguins | |||
24 | Little Penguin | several birds at the Rookery at the Neck Bruny Island | |
Albatross, Shearwaters & Petrels |
25 | Wandering Albatross | 2 of these magnificent birds on the pelagic out of Wollongong | |
26 | Antipodean ( Gibson's) Albatross | 1 on pelagic ( caught and ringed) | |
27 | Black-browed Albatross | several on the Wollongong pelagic | |
28 | Cambell's Albatross | 1 seen well on Wollongong pelagic | |
29 | Shy/White capped Albatross | several seen from coasts along Great Ocean Rd and Bruny Island Tas ; continuously seen on pelagic with 12+ birds in view at any time | |
30 | Buller's Albatross | 1 seen well on Wollongong pelagic | |
31 | Northern Giant Petrel | 2 seen well on pelagic; distant bird seen from Adventure Bay feeding with Shearwaters could not be assigned to species | |
32 | Fairy Prion | 1 seen briefly on pelagic | |
33 | Great-winged Petrel | 1 came close in on pelagic | |
34 | Wedge-tailed Shearwater | several with Short-tails on pelagic | |
35 | Short-tailed Shearwater | few seen from coast along Ocean Rd ; huge feeding flocks off Adventure Bay Tasmania and a few seen onshore on the night visit to the Rookery | |
Hundreds continuously around boat on pelagic making it very difficult to sort out various shearwaters ( food shortage this year means hundreds of starving birds have been seen along the coasts.) | |||
36 | Fluttering Shearwater | several seen on pelagic | |
37 | Hutton's Shearwater | a few ID'd on pelagic | |
38 | Wilson's Storm Petrel | 3 seen on pelagic | |
Grebes | |||
39 | Australasian Grebe | Common throughout | |
40 | Hoary-headed Grebe | Fairly common throughout sometimes in large numbers | |
41 | Great Crested Grebe | several Lake Barrie Atherton Tablelands 18/10 ; 1 Little Llangothlin | |
Ibis, Spoonbill & Herons | |||
42 | Australian White Ibis | Common throughout | |
43 | Straw-necked Ibis | Common throughout | |
44 | Glossy Ibis | 1 at Lake Mitchell Queensland | |
45 | Royal Spoonbill | Common on most wetlands around Cairns | |
46 | Yellow-billed Spoonbill | common on suitable habitat mostly further south than Royals. | |
47 | Nankeen Night Heron | 6+ at Boort lake 2/10; 1 on Cairns Esplanade at dusk 14/10 | |
48 | Striated Heron | 1 Cairns Esplanade 13/10; 1 Centenary Lake 15 and 21/10; 1 Kurunda | |
49 | Eastern Cattle Egret | Fairly common throughout sometimes in large numbers | |
50 | White-necked Heron | Fairly common throughout often in open fields not near water | |
51 | Great-billed Heron | adult and juv on Daintree River cruise | |
52 | Great Egret | Common throughout | |
53 | Intermediate Egret | A few seen could have been more but white egrets not always scrutinised closely | |
54 | Pied Heron | 1 on small pond near Port Douglas ( Thanks to Murray Hunt who showed us this bird after a dash from the river trip) | |
55 | White-faced Heron | Fairly common throughout | |
56 | Little Egret | A few scattered birds seen throughout | |
57 | Pacific Reef Heron | 1 White morph on Cairns esplanade | |
Red-tailed Tropicbird | 2 Distant Tropicbirds near Michelmas Cay were probably this species. | ||
58 | Australian Pelican | Common throughout | |
59 | Great Frigatebird | 4 Frigatebirds seen well at Michelmas Cay were all this species other distant birds not ID'd to species. | |
60 | Australasian Gannet | A few from the coasts in Victoria and Tasmania also seen on Wollongong pelagic | |
61 | Brown Booby | Lots around Michelmas Cay | |
Cormorants | |||
62 | Little Pied Cormorant | Fairly common throughout | |
63 | Black-faced Cormorant | First seen waiting for Bruny Ferry ; fairly common around Bruny coasts | |
64 | Little Black Cormorant | Common throughout | |
65 | Australian Pied Cormorant | Fairly common throughout more coastal than Little Pied | |
66 | Great Cormorant | A few scattered birds seen throughout | |
67 | Australasian Darter | A few scattered birds seen throughout | |
Hawks, Eagles & Falcons | |||
68 | Eastern Osprey | Nesting pair at Lake Mitchell Qslnd | |
69 | Australian Kite | Common throughout especially roadside | |
70 | Black Kite | Common throughout especially Queensland where abundant roadside and over cane fields; several large groups 50+ seen and frequent early morning feeding on roadkill | |
71 | Whistling Kite | Fairly common throughout often in groups of 6+ and mixed with Black Kites on the Tablelands. | |
72 | Brahminy Kite | 1 near Port Douglas 17/10 ; 1 Cattana wetlands | |
73 | White-bellied Sea Eagle | A few scattered birds seen throughout | |
74 | Swamp Harrier | Fairly common throughout | |
75 | Spotted Harrier | 1 along road nr Ouyen 3/10 another Wyperfield same day | |
76 | Grey Goshawk | 1 Wilderness Lodge Tas over; 1 perched Lamington campsite both grey morph | |
77 | Brown Goshawk | 1 nr Castlemaine Victoria flew over ; 1 Maryfarms flew over while watching Bustard; 1 Southern Tablelands | |
78 | Collared Sparrowhawk | 1 fem/juv Werribee 5/10; 1 along road northern Tas | |
79 | Wedge-tailed Eagle | Fairly common throughout Victoria ; 1 at Inala on Tas; 2 at O'Rielley's | |
80 | Little Eagle | 1 seen well in mallee north of Inglewood on first day ; 1 Werribee | |
81 | Nankeen Kestrel | Common throughout especially roadside | |
82 | Australian Hobby | 1 Adventure bay seen well | |
83 | Brown Falcon | Fairly common throughout mostly roadside | |
84 | Black Falcon | 4+ seen around inland Victoria | |
85 | Peregrine Falcon | 1 nr Mareeba perched up | |
86 | Australian Bustard | 6+ seen Maryfarms 1 very close; 1 along road to Granite Gorge next day | |
Crakes & Rails | |||
87 | Red-necked Crake | commonly heard at Cassowary House, pair seen 2x early morning 21/10 | |
88 | Buff-banded Rail | 1 in the childrens playground Cairns Esplanade seen well | |
89 | Baillon's Crake | 1 seen Werribee | |
90 | Australian Crake | 1 seen Werribee | |
91 | Purple Swamphen | common on suitable habitat | |
92 | Dusky Moorhen | Common on most wetlands especially Victoria and Tas | |
92 | Black-tailed Nativehen | Seen at Bells Swamp and Weribee | |
93 | Tasmanian Nativehen | (Tas endemic) Common throughout Tasmania very tame at Wilderness Lodge | |
94 | Eurasian Coot | Common throughout | |
Cranes | |||
95 | Sarus Crane | Common on Tablelands around Atherton several large groups in fields assumed to be this species although possibly Brolga as well but mostly seen from moving vehicle. | |
96 | Brolga | Only 2 at Werribee positively ID'd but possibly some with Sarus Cranes on Tablelands, | |
97 | Painted Buttonquail | 3 birds at Capertee seen well, 2 other groups seen in the valley were probably same species; Kay had 2 Quail sp from moving car near Lamington but could not be relocated | |
98 | Comb-crested Jacana | Seen at Lake Mitchell and at Cattana Wetlands. | |
Waders |
99 | Bush Stone-curlew | 6+ Cairns Cemetry; 8 in a garden at Kuranda 16/10 probably same nearby 21/10; 1 along road nr Cairns 22/10 | |
100 | Beach Stone-curlew | 2 Newell Beach; 2 Wonga Beach 1 from car nr Port Douglas all on day with Murray | |
101 | Pied Oystercatcher | seen at Werribee 5/10; common on Bruny coasts; few on Queensland beaches | |
102 | Sooty Oystercatcher | common on rocky coasts on Bruny; 1 in Wollongong harbour 27/10 | |
103 | White-headed Stilt | Common on most wetlands | |
104 | Red-necked Avocet | groups of around 20 on several inland waters in Vic; 20+ at Werribee all fairly distant out of camera range. | |
105 | Banded Lapwing | after missing them at Werribee 3 adults with 2 chicks seen at Turf farm near Windsor NSW | |
106 | Masked Lapwing | Common throughout | |
107 | Red-kneed Dotterel | 3 Bells Swamp 1/10; few Werribee 5/10 ; few others at scattered locations ; Cattana wetlands 21/10 | |
108 | Pacific Golden Plover | 6 at Werribee | |
109 | Hooded Dotterel | Pair seen well at breeding site near Anglesea on the Great Ocean Rd | |
110 | Black-fronted Dotterel | Fairly common throughout | |
111 | Red-capped Plover | first seen on saltpans nr Boort then few suitable scattered locations | |
112 | Bar-tailed Godwit | common on Cairns beaches | |
113 | Whimbrel | 1 roosting Cairns Esplanade; 1 Wonga beach | |
114 | Eastern Curlew | 2 Cairns Esplanade 14/10 | |
115 | Marsh Sandpiper | several Werribee | |
116 | Common Greenshank | few Werribee; 1 Cairns Esplanade | |
117 | Grey-tailed Tattler | 10+ Cairns Esplanade; 1 Wonga beach ( Wandering was present at Cairns but not looked for) | |
118 | Terek Sandpiper | 1 Cairns Esplanade | |
119 | Common Sandpiper | 1 Saltwater creek Centenary Lakes | |
120 | Great Knot | few Cairns Esplanade | |
121 | Red Knot | small number at Werribee | |
122 | Red-necked Stint | Large numbers at Werribee and on Cairns Esplanade | |
123 | Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | Seen at several inland sites both in Victoria and Queensland as well as at Werribee and Cairns. | |
124 | Curlew Sandpiper | small numders at Werribee and along the Esplanade | |
Gulls & Terns | |||
125 | Brown Noddy | Large numbers Michelmas Cay | |
126 | Black Noddy | few picked out amongst Brown Noddies around Michelmas Cay mostly perched on bouys while approaching Cay | |
127 | Silver Gull | Common throughout | |
128 | Pacific Gull | few along Great Ocean Rd and Werribee; few Bruny Island coasts. | |
129 | Kelp Gull | Several Bruny Island coasts;few on Wollongong pelagic | |
130 | Gull-billed Tern | Small numbers Cairns | |
131 | Caspian Tern | seen along Cairns Esplanade; 1 inland at Lake Mitchell 20/10; 1 Corrimal beach Wollongong 26/10 | |
132 | Greater Crested Tern | common on coasts throughout | |
133 | Lesser Crested Tern | 2 in Cairns Marina 14/10 | |
134 | Fairy Tern | Several seen at Weribee including at few at close range hawking over pits | |
135 | Bridled Tern | Some mixed with Sooties at Michelmas Cay | |
136 | Sooty Tern | Huge numbers at Michelmas Cay | |
137 | Black-naped Tern | 4 perched on a raft near Michelmas Cay | |
138 | Roseate Tern | 1 perched on same raft as Black-naped | |
139 | Whiskered Tern | Large numbers at Werribee | |
140 | Parasitic Jaeger | 1 harrassing Shearwaters on Wollongong pelagic. | |
Pigeons & Doves | |||
141 | Rock Dove (i) | few in towns | |
142 | White-headed Pigeon | few birds around O'Reilly's | |
143 | Spotted Dove (i) | Fairly common throughout mostly in towns | |
Laughing Dove (i) | Seen around Dubai airport | ||
144 | Brown Cuckoo-Dove | 1 Rainforest walk Kuranda 16/10 ; 1 O'Reilley's 24/10 | |
145 | Pacific Emerald Dove | 1 briefly on road at Jullatan while watching Boat-bill | |
146 | Common Bronzewing | Seen at park in Inglewood then few seen scattered locations in Victoria | |
147 | Brush Bronzewing | First flushed from roadside in Grampians then 1 seen well near Silverband Falls; few other sightings mostly roadside while travelling | |
148 | Crested Pigeon | Common throughout | |
149 | Squatter Pigeon | 2 seen at close range in garden at Mt Molloy | |
150 | Wonga Pigeon | common at O'Reilley's; 2 at Washpools campsite | |
151 | Diamond Dove | Flock of 20+ at Maryfarms | |
152 | Peaceful Dove | ! Seen in northern Victoria and 2 in Capertee Valley ; in Queensland very common and seen throughout | |
153 | Bar-shouldered Dove | Common in Queensland frequently heard calling and seen perched on roadside wires. | |
154 | Wompoo Fruit Dove | Heard frequently with a few sightings in rainforest around Queensland | |
155 | Torresian Imperial Pigeon | Very common around Cairns | |
156 | Topknot Pigeon | Seen well at Mount Lewis and Mt Hypippimae | |
Parrots |
157 | Red-tailed Black Cockatoo | Several groups of these impressive Cockatoo's seen around Tablelands mostly in flight or feeding in roadside trees. | |
Glossy Black Cockatoo | 2 birds that few over Katoomba Falls in the Blue Mountains at dusk were most likely this species but unable to get clear view | ||
158 | Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo | Flock of 50+ birds flying to roost near Horsham Vic were impressive sight; also several sighting in Blue Mountains. | |
159 | Gang-gang Cockatoo | A noisy group of 4 birds at Troopers Creek campsite at first light the only sighting. | |
160 | Major Mitchell's Cockatoo | 4 of these stunning birds seen at Wyperfield. | |
161 | Galah | Very common sometimes in large flocks every where | |
162 | Long-billed Corella | common in Vic often in large flocks; a few sightings in Queensland and Blue Mountains but probably overlooked as similar to Sulphurs at distance. | |
163 | Little Corella | several amongst Long-billed in northern Vic but probably overlooked as Corella flocks not scrutenised once both species seen well. | |
164 | Sulphur-crested Cockatoo | Common throughout often in large flocks. | |
165 | Cockatiel | 2 Goschen NP ; 1 from moving vehicle nr Glenn Innes | |
166 | Rainbow Lorikeet | Common throughout especially Cairns | |
167 | Scaly-breasted Lorikeet | 2 in fruiting tree outside hotel window in Cairns; 1 nr Mareeba | |
168 | Musk Lorikeet | Common throughout | |
169 | Little Lorikeet | 6+ west cap picnic area south of Brisbane ; 10 + at Glen Davis campsite. | |
170 | Purple-crowned Lorikeet | Several feeding in flowering trees with Musk's at Boort | |
171 | Australian Ringneck | 2 Goschen NP then 2 Hattah-Kulkyne and a few roadside sightings | |
172 | Green Rosella | (Tas endemic)Fairly common on Tas seen at Mountain Wilderness and Inala | |
173 | Crimson Rosella | Common throughout especially tame at O'Reilley's | |
174 | Pale-headed Rosella | 1 seen well at Mt Carbine; 2 nr Mareeba | |
175 | Eastern Rosella | Fairly common throughout Vic and NSW but not as tame as other Rosella's; 1 Yellow form near Murray River | |
176 | Bluebonnet | 2 Goshen few scattered sightings in same area. | |
177 | Red-rumped Parrot | Common in Victoria then again in Capertee Valley. | |
178 | Mulga Parrot | 2 Moss Tank NP then 2 in mallee nr Hattah-kulkyne | |
179 | Turquoise Parrot | 1 Glen Davis Campsite. | |
180 | Budgerigar | Breeding pair at Wyperfield | |
181 | Regent Parrot | Several seen along the Murray river then next day at campsite in Hattah | |
182 | Australian King Parrot | First encountered at Lorne along Great Ocean Rd then very tame at O'Reilley's and common through NSW | |
183 | Red-winged Parrot | 8+ seen briefly at Maryfarms mostly in flight only | |
184 | Double-eyed Fig Parrot | 1 bird at Cassowary House from verandah just after arriving only sighting heard elsewhere but not searched for. | |
Cuckoos | |||
185 | Pheasant Coucal | common on Tableland mostly seen on edge of cane fields. | |
186 | Pacific Koel | 1 perched in Centenary gardens Cairns | |
187 | Channel-billed Cuckoo | 1 calling then flew over at Maryfarms; heard but not seen in Blue Mountains | |
188 | Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo | Heard calling frequently but only seen at Glen Davis | |
189 | Black-eared Cuckoo | Seen well at Wyperfield | |
190 | Shining Bronze Cuckoo | Seen well at Woodlands Park Melbourne | |
Heard only | Little Bronze Cuckoo | Heard only on a few occassions | |
191 | Pallid Cuckoo | Seen very well in Tas a few times | |
192 | Fan-tailed Cuckoo | Seen well on several occaissions on Tas and Blue Mountains | |
Heard only | Brush Cuckoo | Heard only on a few occassions | |
Owls, Nightjars & Frogmouths | |||
Heard only | Southern Boobook | Heard only at night while camping in the Grampians | |
193 | Papuan Frogmouth | Nesting bird seen on the Daintree river trip | |
194 | Tawny Frogmouth | Several sightings 2 at Boort; 1 while spotlighting at Hattah; I on night drive on Tas; 2 at Mt Carbine caravan park | |
195 | Spotted Nightjar | 1 while spotlighting at Hattah | |
Heard only | Australian Owlet-nightjar | Heard only nr Hattah in daylight but not located. | |
196 | Australian Swiftlet | common over Cairns | |
Kingfishers, Bee-eaters & Rollers |
197 | Oriental Dollarbird | 2 seen at Mareeba Wetlands then few scattered further sightings around the Tablelands; also 1 at Capertee Valley and 2 at Washpools campsite | |
198 | Laughing Kookaburra | Common throughout regular sightings on roadside wires. | |
199 | Blue-winged Kookaburra | 1 near Mareeba seen well; nesting pair in Mt Carbine caravan park; few others mostly seen on wires while travelling around the Julatten area. |
200 | Forest Kingfisher | Mostly seen on wires around Cairns/ Daintree areas | |
201 | Collared Kingfisher | 1 in mangroves at northern end of Cairns Esplanade | |
202 | Sacred Kingfisher | 1 seen on the Murray river only Vic sighting; around Cairns fairly common on roadside wires and near water ie Hasties Swamp, centenary Lakes; also Glen Davis campsite and Capertee | |
203 | Azure Kingfisher | 1 seen very well on Daintree River trip | |
204 | Little Kingfisher | 1 seen very well on Daintree River trip ; 1 Centenary Gardens. | |
205 | Rainbow Bee-eater | Seen well at Goschen then scattered sightings throughout. | |
Pittas | |||
206 | Noisy Pitta | 1 seen after much effort at Mt Lewis; 2 seen and many heard at O'Reilley's | |
Lyrebirds, Catbirds & Bowerbirds | |||
207 | Albert's Lyrebird | 2 outside O'Reilley's seen very well another along the road in later in day. | |
208 | Superb Lyrebird | 14 at Minnimurra Rainforest walk ; 1 Fitzroy Falls; 1 Wentworth Falls. | |
209 | Spotted Catbird | Common sound in any Wet Tropic rainforest seen at feeders at Cassowary and in Kurunda rainforest walk | |
210 | Green Catbird | common sound around O'Reilley's seen occaissionally. | |
211 | Tooth-billed Bowerbird | Seen well at Mt Lewis and at Mt Hypippimae | |
212 | Golden Bowerbird | female at Mt Lewis male at bower at Mt Hypippamae. | |
213 | Regent Bowerbird | Common and tame at O'Reilley's | |
214 | Satin Bowerbird | Several at Wye Valley campsite in Vic; common around O'Reilley's and in Capertee Valley also other sightings in NSW. | |
215 | Great Bowerbird | Seen well around Mt Carbine area. | |
Tree-creepers | |||
216 | White-throated Treecreeper | 1 at Silverbands Falls in Vic; seen at Washpools campsite and a few in the Blue Mountains | |
217 | White-browed Treecreeper | 1 seen well at Wyperfield | |
218 | Brown Treecreeper | Common throughout | |
Fairy-wrens, Scrubwrens, Warblers & Thornbills |
219 | Superb Fairywren | Common in Victoria and Tasmania then seen again at O'Reilley's and throughout NSW | |
220 | Variegated Fairy-wren | 3 including 1 male seen briefly in Sundown NP on road to camp site. | |
221 | Splendid Fairywren | 1 male seen well at Moss Tank nr Hattah-Kulkyne NP | |
222 | Red-backed Fairywren | 3 female types nr Julatten only sighting | |
223 | White-winged Fairywren | again only females seen at Lake Tuchewop | |
224 | Southern Emu-wren | 1 seen after great effort at Anglesea then another found along road further into the heath. | |
225 | Scrubtit | 2 sightings of this difficult Tas endemic 1 at Mountain Wilderness and 1 at Inala | |
226 | Chestnut-rumped Heathwren | 1 seen well in Grampians | |
227 | Shy Heathwren | 1 lived up to it's name before eventually showing well in mallee north of Inglewood first day. | |
228 | Striated Fieldwren | seen at Anglesea Heath while looking for Emu-wren then several at Werribee. | |
229 | Speckled Warbler | 1 in the Capertee Valley | |
230 | Fernwren | Seen well at Mt Lewis and again at Mt Hypippamae (one of the Wet Tropic Endemics ) | |
231 | Atherton Scrubwren | Seen well at Mt Lewis (one of the Wet Tropic Endemics ) | |
232 | White-browed Scrubwren | Common throughout | |
233 | Tasmanian Scrubwren | (Tas endemic) Responded spectacularly to a random tape at Mountain Wilderness. | |
234 | Yellow-throated Scrubwren | Common throughout | |
235 | Large-billed Scrubwren | Seen at Cassowary House and a few other highland rainforest sites | |
236 | Weebill | First seen in park in Inglewood then few other sightings throughout heard more often and probably overlooked in with other Thornbills | |
237 | Brown Gerygone | Pair including displaying male at nest at Lamington first positive sighting but a few present around tracks at O'Reilley's | |
238 | Western Gerygone | 1 singing male in Mallee north of Inglewood only sighting. | |
239 | Large-billed Gerygone | Nesting birds seen on Daintree River Trip | |
240 | Mangrove Gerygone | Seen at Centenary lakes ID confirmed by local birder | |
241 | White-throated Gerygone | Singing and displaying bird seen in Capertee Valley | |
242 | Fairy Gerygone | 2 birds in mixed flock at Barron Falls Lookout | |
243 | Mountain Thornbill | Several birds seen at Mt Lewis | |
244 | Brown Thornbill | Common throughout | |
245 | Inland Thornbill | Seen at Wyperfield | |
246 | Tasmanian Thornbill | ( Tas endemic) Seen at Mountain Wilderness and Inala on Tas ( fairly easy once differences to also present Brown Thornbills was learnt) |
247 | Chestnut-rumped Thornbill | 2 birds seen well near an old goldmine north of Inglewood | |
248 | Buff-rumped Thornbill | showed well in mixed flock along back roads north of Castlemaine on first day | |
249 | Yellow-rumped Thornbill | First seen at Wyperfield, then several sightings on Tasmania including nest building at Inala, also Capertee Valley. | |
250 | Yellow Thornbill | first seen at Woodlands Park then few scattered sightings elsewhere in Vic. | |
251 | Striated Thornbill | Seen well along track north of Castlemaine in mixed flock | |
252 | Southern Whiteface | Seen at Mt Korong and at a random stop along the Old Caulder Rd near Ouyen. | |
253 | Rufous Bristlebird | 1 near Lorne then another very confiding bird up close at Anglesea Heath | |
252 | Spotted Pardalote | One of the first birds to be seen in Woodlands Park then scattered sightings throughout | |
255 | Forty-spotted Pardalote | 3-4 pairs seen easily at Inala ( Tas endemic) | |
256 | Striated Pardalote | One of the first birds to be seen in Woodlands Park then scattered sightings throughout also common on Tas | |
Honey-eaters |
257 | Macleay's Honeyeater | Common around Cassowary House also Mt Lewis | |
258 | Bridled Honeyeater | several seen Mt Lewis | |
259 | Yellow-faced Honeyeater | First seen at Reid's Lookout in the Grampians then scattered sightings throughout inc Mt Carbine and around Blue Mountains | |
260 | Singing Honeyeater | seen several times around Victoria. | |
261 | Varied Honeyeater | few in flowering trees along Cairns Esplanade | |
262 | Yellow Honeyeater | common around coastal Cairns | |
263 | White-eared Honeyeater | seen well in flowering Gums at Inglewood Park | |
264 | Yellow-throated Honeyeater | Common on Tas, seen at Mountain wilderness and Inala ( Tas endemic) | |
265 | Yellow-tufted Honeyeater | fairly common in Vic then seen again in Capertee Valley | |
266 | Yellow-plumed Honeyeater | seen well in flowering Gums at Inglewood Park | |
267 | Fuscous Honeyeater | fairly common in Vic | |
268 | White-plumed Honeyeater | fairly common in Vic then seen again in Capertee Valley | |
269 | White-fronted Honeyeater | seen well in flowering Gums at Inglewood Park | |
270 | Graceful Honeyeater | few seen at Cassowary House | |
271 | Yellow-spotted Honeyeater |
Seen at Cassowary House and a few other sites around Cairns. |
272 | Lewin's Honeyeater | First at Mt Lewis and southern Tablelands; common O'Reilley's and through to Blue Mountains | |
273 | Bell Miner | Colonies at Melbourne Botanic Gardens and west gap PS | |
274 | Noisy Miner | Common throughout | |
275 | Yellow-throated Miner | fairly common in Vic in Mallee country | |
276 | Blue-faced Honeyeater | First seen at Boort ; scattered sighting elsewhere( Mt Carbine ) | |
277 | Black-chinned Honeyeater | Seen first day on back road to Inglewood | |
278 | Strong-billed Honeyeater | Common Tas (Tas endemic) | |
279 | Brown-headed Honeyeater | Seen well in flowering Gums at Inglewood Park | |
280 | White-throated Honeyeater | several at feeders nr Julatten | |
281 | White-naped Honeyeater | 2 Silverbands Falls in Grampians; 3 Capertee Valley | |
282 | Black-headed Honeyeater | Common at Inala Bruny Island (Tas endemic) | |
283 | Little Friarbird | 3-4 at Mt Carbine caravan park | |
284 | Helmeted Friarbird | fairly common around Cairns | |
285 | Noisy Friarbird | Common throughout Queensland and south to Blue Mountains; flowering trees in Capertee attracted 20+ birds | |
286 | Striped Honey-eater | One seen well at Moss Tank | |
287 | Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater | Scattered sightings throughout Vic and NSW | |
288 | Little Wattlebird | First seen Wye Valley and Melbounre Bot Grdns also on Tas; probably overlooked agmongst Reds | |
289 | Red Wattlebird | Common Vic and NSW | |
290 | Yellow Wattlebird | fairly common on Tas (Tas endemic) | |
291 | Regent Honeyeater | 3 birds in Capertee valley highlight of day there; not expecting to be able to find these without guide. | |
292 | Brown Honeyeater | 2-3 seen well in trees along Cairns Esplanade. | |
293 | Painted Honeyeater | 2 Mt Korong | |
294 | Crescent Honeyeater | 1 Reid's Lookout in the Grampians; 1 at Inala Bruny Island | |
295 | New Holland Honeyeater | Common Vic and NSW | |
296 | White-cheeked Honeyeater | several at feeders nr Julatten | |
297 | Tawny-crowned Honeyeater | 1 responded to tape in the Grampians | |
298 | Brown-backed Honeyeater | Pair seen on Daintree River trip and 2-3 at feeders in Julatten | |
299 | Eastern Spinebill | fairly common throughout particularly around Blue Mountains | |
Heard only | Black Honey-eater | Heard only at Goschen | |
300 | Dusky Myzomela | fairly common around Cairns | |
301 | Scarlet Myzomela | 1 seen well at in garden at Julatten | |
302 | Crimson Chat | 2 seen unexpectedly at Wyperfield | |
303 | Orange Chat | 4+ birds seen at Lake Tuchewop | |
304 | White-fronted Chat | fairly common in Vic | |
Babblers | |||
305 | Grey-crowned Babbler | Seen in Queensland at Lake Mitchell then at Rodeo grounds Mareeba and again in Capertee Valley. | |
306 | White-browed Babbler | Few sightings in Vic | |
307 | Chestnut-crowned Babbler | small group seen at Moss Tank | |
308 | Australian Logrunner | common at O'Reilley's | |
309 | Chowchilla | Seen well at Mt Lewis and at Malanda Falls (one of the Wet Tropic Endemics ) | |
310 | Eastern Whipbird | Common throughout Queensland and south to Blue Mountains; It's distinctive call was a feature thoughout | |
311 | Yellow-breasted Boatbill | 1 seen well at Jullaten | |
Magpies & Butcherbirds | |||
312 | Black Butcherbird | few seen around Cairns area | |
313 | Grey Butcherbird | Scattered sightings throughout especially Tasmania | |
314 | Pied Butcherbird | First seen well at Hattah after several roadside sightings also several sightings in Capertee valley. | |
315 | Australian Magpie | Common throughout mostly nominate Black-backed form but a few White-backed in N Victoria. | |
316 | Pied Currawong | Common throughout | |
317 | Black Currawong | Fairly common throughout Tasmania especially in northern mountains (Tas endemic) | |
318 | Grey Currawong | Few sightings in Victoria and on Tas ( possibly overlooked as many seen roadside and not defined to species) | |
Woodswallows |
319 | White-breasted Woodswallow | Common throughout especially Cairns were seen in town centres. | |
320 | Masked Woodswallow | Large mixed flock of Masked/White-broweds seen near Goschen | |
321 | White-browed Woodswallow | As well as Goschen area also seen Wyperfild, on Tas at Inala and in Capertee Valley. | |
322 | Dusky Woodswallow | First seen nr Castlemaine first day then scattered sightings including on Tas. | |
Cuckoo-shrikes & Whistlers | |||
323 | Black-faced Cuckooshrike | Fairly common throughout | |
324 | Barred Cuckooshrike | 1 seen well at Mt Lewis | |
325 | White-bellied Cuckooshrike | First seen nr Castlemaine first morning then at Cairns Esplanade on a few occaisions | |
326 | White-winged Triller | Fairly common throughout | |
327 | Varied Triller | Seen at Cairns in the cemetry, Centenary Gardens and Cattana Wetlands | |
328 | Crested Shriketit | 1 first morning along track from Castlemaine then again in Capertee Valley | |
329 | Olive Whistler | Common Tas frequently heard. | |
330 | Gilbert's Whistler | Pair at Mt Korong only sighting | |
331 | Grey Whistler | Seen well at Mt Hypippamae and Cassowary House. | |
332 | Australian Golden Whistler | Common throughout including Tas, commonly heard | |
333 | Rufous Whistler | Fairly common throughout | |
334 | Bower's Shrikethrush | Seen well at Mt Lewis (one of the Wet Tropic Endemics ) and at Curtain Fig | |
335 | Rufous Shrike-Thrush | 1 seen well along the river at Kuranda then few sightings elsewhere in Queensland | |
336 | Grey Shrikethrush | Common throughout | |
Heard only | Crested Bellbird | Heard only in distance near Hattah. | |
Orioles | |||
337 | Australasian Figbird | Very common around Cairns / Kuranda often in large numbers. | |
338 | Olive-backed Oriole | 1 at Washpools camp site only sighting. | |
339 | Green Oriole | Heard around Cairns but only sighting on Daintree river. | |
Flycatchers & Fantails | |||
340 | Spangled Drongo | common around coastal Cairns flock of over 30 at Newell Beach | |
341 | Willie Wagtail | Common throughout | |
342 | Grey Fantail | Common throughout ( mountain race at Mt Lewis) | |
343 | Rufous Fantail | first seen at Cassowary House then common at O'Reilley's | |
344 | Spectacled Monarch | fairly common in rainforest around Cairns | |
345 | Black-faced Monarch | First seen Mt Lewis then common at O'Reilley's. | |
346 | Pied Monarch | Seen at Carr Rd Julatten, Mt Lewis and nesting at Curtain Fig. | |
347 | Magpie-lark | very common throughout. | |
348 | Leaden Flycatcher | 1 female on Daintree river trip | |
349 | Shining Flycatcher | nesting birds on the Daintree River Trip | |
350 | Restless Flycatcher | remarkably a bird thought to be this species alighted briefly on the Seastar while out on the reef otherwise pair in Capertee Valley only sighting. | |
Crows | |||
351 | Torresian Crow | common around Tablelands | |
352 | Forest Raven | Few sightings in Vic then common on Tas | |
353 | Little Raven | Common throughout Victoria | |
354 | Australian Raven | Common throughout: its distinctive call commonly heard; many corvids seen while travelling through NSW were not defined to species most were Aus Ravens but a few Littles were seen. | |
355 | White-winged Chough | fairly common in Vic then seen again in Capertee Valley | |
356 | Apostlebird | First seen at Hattah-kulkyne campsite; then Glenlyon campsite and road out through Sundown NP and in Capertee at Glen Davis. | |
Riflebirds | |||
357 | Victoria's Riflebird | Displaying bird with female and immature male seen daily at Cassowary House, also seen in Kuranda Rainforest walk and Mt Lewis. | |
Robins | |||
358 | Mangrove Robin | pair in mangroves north of Esplanade at Cairns. | |
359 | Grey-headed Robin | Seen at Mt Lewis and again at Curtain Fig | |
360 | Pale-yellow Robin | 1 Kuranda Rainforest walk then Carr rd Jutallan | |
361 | Eastern Yellow Robin | Common throughout | |
362 | Hooded Robin | stunning male in Mallee north of Inglewood only sighting | |
363 | Dusky Robin | Fairly common on Tas seen at Mountain Wilderness and Inala | |
364 | Jacky Winter | several scattered sightings around Vic and again in Capertee Valley. | |
365 | Rose Robin | 1 on the tree-top walk O'Reilley's then 2 males squabbling over a female near the campsite at Lamington. | |
366 | Pink Robin | male seen early 2 mornings at Inala. | |
367 | Flame Robin | Common Tas both at Wilderness lodge and Inala. | |
368 | Scarlet Robin | Common Tas both at Wilderness lodge and Inala. | |
369 | Red-capped Robin | Pair feeding youngster at Wyperfield and another male nearby. | |
370 | Horsfield's Bush Lark | Seen well at Werribee others seen briefly or on roadside wires while travelling | |
371 | Eurasian Skylark (i) | seen at Werribee and on Tas | |
372 | Welcome Swallow | Common throughout | |
373 | Fairy Martin | Common throughout anywhere near water | |
374 | Tree Martin | Common throughout | |
375 | Australian Reed Warbler | seen and heard briefly at Werribee, seen very well at Lake Lithgrow | |
376 | Rufous Songlark | seen well at Bell's Swamp then few scattered sightings ; some birds sat on roadside wires were probably this species. | |
377 | Brown Songlark | like Rufous a few seen well but many roadside birds probably these. | |
378 | Tawny Grassbird | 1 seen well sat on wire on road out of Sundown NP | |
379 | Little Grassbird | Seen at Werribee and again at the Tamar Wetlands Tas | |
380 | Golden-headed Cisticola | seen well at Werribee also in Capertee Valley | |
381 | Silvereye | Fairly common throughout | |
382 | Australasian Pipit | few scattered sightings throughout | |
Starlings | |||
383 | Metallic Starling | Colonies along Cairns Espanade and also at Mareeba. | |
384 | Common Myna (i) | Common throughout | |
385 | Common Starling (i) | Common throughout | |
Thrushes | |||
386 | Russet-tailed Thrush | 1 was seen well and watched for a while at O'Reilley's other Thrushes seen briefly were possibly this species although most were Bassian. | |
387 | Bassian Thrush | Seen well on Tas at Wilderness Lodge and Inala; others seen well at O'Reilley's but several seen breifly not detetermined. | |
388 | Common Blackbird (i) | Common throughout esp Tas | |
Flowerpeckers & Sunbirds | |||
389 | Mistletoebird | few scattered sightings throughout | |
390 | Olive-backed Sunbird | fairly common around Cairns | |
Finches | |||
391 | House Sparrow (i) | Common throughout | |
392 | Beautiful Firetail | 1 seen at Wilderness Lodge and 1 along roadside north Bruny. | |
393 | Diamond Firetail | several of these stunning finches in Capertee Valley | |
394 | Red-browed Finch | Fairly common throughout | |
395 | Crimson Finch | 10+ at Cattana Wetlands only sighting | |
396 | Zebra Finch | Seen at Werribee then common in the Capertee Valley. | |
397 | Double-barred Finch | 6+ at Rodeo Campground Mareeba then 20 + along road to Granite Gorge | |
398 | Scaly-breasted Munia (i) | seen along Cairns Esplanade | |
399 | Chestnut-breasted Mannikin | 2 birds at feeder near Jullaten and a few in a large mixed finch flock at Mareeba Wetlands; also with finches in Capertee Valley. | |
400 | European Greenfinch (i) | few scattered sightings throughout | |
401 | European Goldfinch (i) | few scattered sightings throughout | |
Mammals | |||
Short-beaked Echidna | 1 on track to Glen Davis in Capertee Valley | ||
Platypus | 1 briefly on Tas at Mountain Wilderness; 3+ at Taklin Falls; 1 Jenalem Caves | ||
Tasmanian Devil | At least 5 indviduals coming to food at Mountain Wilderness including 2 showing signs of facial tumours | ||
Eastern Quoll | 3+ seen on Tasmania on night drive | ||
Koala | 3+ while spotlighting in Otways | ||
Wombat | No live specimens seen but lots of fresh marks and burrows ( many roadkill victims) | ||
Mountain Brushtail Possum | 1 at campsite near O'Reilley's | ||
Common Brushtail Possum | Seen while spotlighting in Victoria and on Tasmania | ||
Sugar Glider | No live specimens seen but roadside corpse seen | ||
Yellow-bellied Glider | 1 while spotlighting in Otways | ||
Common Ringtail Possum | at least 1 at Inala and on night drive. | ||
Long-nosed Poteroo | ! on night drive on Tasmania | ||
Musky Rat-Kangaroo | several at Cassowary House coming to food | ||
Agile Wallaby | several in Queensland | ||
Eastern Grey Kangaroo | Common | ||
Western Grey Kangaroo | Some seen in Victoria | ||
Common Wallaroo | Only positively seen in Capertee Valley | ||
Red-necked Wallaby | Few at Lamington | ||
Bennett's Wallaby | Tasmanian form of Red-necked Wallaby also 3 white morphs at Inala | ||
Black Wallaby | Few scattered sightings | ||
Rufous-bellied Pademelon | common Tasmania | ||
Red-legged Pademelon | Few seen in Queensland | ||
Red-necked Pademelon | A few at Lamington NP | ||
Spectacled Flying-fox | Hundreds along Cairns Esplanade said to be this species | ||
Little Red Flying-fox | A few seen with larger flying foxes along the Esplanade | ||
Grey-headed Flying-fox | Large numbers visiting flowering trees at night at Glenlyon campsite thougt to be this species | ||
Fawn-footed Melomys | 2+ seen after dusk at Cassowary House | ||
Hastings River Mouse | 3 sightings of this restricted species at West Gap Picnic Site | ||
Red Fox | seen 2x during trip once Victoria; 1 Capertee Valley | ||
European Rabbit | Common | ||
European Hare | Few seen but not accurately recorded. | ||
Fallow Deer | 2 on way in to Washpools Campsite | ||
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin | pod said to be this species seen on Wollongong pelagic | ||
Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin | 3/4 of possibly this species on return from Michelmas Cay |
A report of our recent wildlife trip to Australia with a few images to illustrate the scenery and variety of wildlife on view.
Monday, 30 December 2013
List of Sighting
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